how to install windows 10 os in digitalocean

Step 1. Get Ubuntu 22.04 VPS 
  Create DigitalOcean Droplet using
    Ubuntu 22.04
    4GB of Memory
    root example password f75q21w9Gx

Step 2. In web console : Install XFCE Desktop, XRDP & QEMU
  apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y
  apt-get install xfce4 firefox xrdp gzip -y
  apt-get install qemu qemu-utils qemu-system-x86 -y
  echo xfce4-session >~/.xsession

Then reboot

Step 3. In RDP : Download Windows & Virtio Drivers ISOs
  get virtio iso - google "windows download virtio drivers"
  get windows iso - google "windows iso download"
  Fill in qemu-system-x86_64 statement lower down, with names of ISO files

Step 4. In Web Console : Start Windows Install in QEMU
   qemu-img create -f raw harddisk.raw 24G

   qemu-system-x86_64 \
     -m 3000M \
     -cpu host \
     -enable-kvm \
     -boot order=d \
     -usbdevice tablet \
     -drive file=harddisk.raw,format=raw,if=virtio \  
     -drive file=/root/Downloads/{downloaded-windows}.iso,media=cdrom \
     -drive file=/root/Downloads/{downloaded virtio}.iso,media=cdrom \
     -vnc :55555 

   via a VNC Viewer eg. RealVNC {Droplet IP Address}:61455  

Step 5. In VNC : Install & Configure Windows
On VirtIO CD Select {windows version}\amd64 folder for ;
     a) Balloon - VirtIO Balloon Driver 
     b) NetKVM - Red Hat Virtio Ethernet Adapter 
     c) vioRNG - Random Number Generator
     d) VioSCSI - Red Hat Virtio SCSI Pass-through contoller 
     e) VioStor - Red Hat Virtio ScSI Controller
   Windows user password eg. G6t4r3e2i9m8

   Configuration - When on Desktop : 
      1) Enable Remote Desktop   
      2) Change RDP Port from 3389 to 19529   
              Start the registry editor. ...
              In REGEDIT Navigate to the following registry subkey: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\WinStations\RDP-Tcp.
              Find PortNumber.
              Click Edit, Modify, and then click Decimal.
              Type the new port number, and then click OK.
      3) In [Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security]
              Add New [inbound rule]
              to Allow TCP Port 19529 thru Domain, Private & Public Profiles
              called "Rule 19529 for RDP"
              Disable ALL other INCOMMING RULES
      4) IF Current User is called "Administrator", rename to "WinAdmin"
      4) Windows Update & restart
      5) Clean up C Drive
      6) Finally Shut Down

Step 6. In web Console : Gzip Windows Harddisk
   ls -la
   dd if=harddisk.raw status=progress | gzip | dd of=win_[winversion].gz
          (Wait until finished in about 15 minutes)

   ls -l
   rm harddisk.raw

Step 7. - Example deploy to a VPS Provider
In the Destination VM : 
   sudo ssh root@[IP address of Droplet] dd if=win_[winversion].gz | gunzip | sudo dd of=/dev/[sda/vda] status=progress
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